

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Certificates require for EAMCET counselling 2015

Many students are not that much aware what the certificate particulars are needed for EAMCET counselling means certificate verification these is come because EAMCET counseling consists of a different strategy and consists of lot of complicated things. 
            Prepare now and apply the require certificates(nativity,income) from "MEE SEVA" only. 
These all original certificates along with 3sets of xerox copies are to be submit in their respective  help line centers for certificate verification. Who are selected in eamcet 2015 entrance examination.

  1. Tenth class marks list means S.S.C marks memo
  2. Intermediate certificate or Equivalents .
  3. Transfer certificate(TC) from Intermediate college .
  4. Eamcet 2015 Hall ticket from website
  5. Eamcet 2015 Rank Card Downloaded from website.
  6. Income certificate(For students whose Father`s annual income less than 1.2lakh ) issued from "MEE SEVA" centers by MRO after 01.01.2015.
  7. Caste certificate for only BC(Any sub category), SC, ST And Minorities candidates only. EBC certificate is  to be submitted for getting Fees reusmbesment  to OC students.
  8. Integrated certificate(nativity,community,D.O.B)
  9. Physically handicapped, National Cadet Crop, CAP, Sports Certificates.(For some reservation in seat allotments).


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